Saturday 28 November 2015








Just For FUN

Saturday 5 September 2015

Life or Body Hacks for students

Improve Your Memory with the Link Method

Memory can be improved by developing a recall technique called the Link Method. This method helps you remember and recall information by associating it with a word or story that you can visualize in your mind. When trying to memorize a list of items or facts, a combination of word association and a story form is effective. By associating the items you are memorizing with familiar things and linking them together a memorable story is formed. Storing the information in your brain this way allows for easy recall later.

 pop some gum in between.

Studies suggest that chewing gum can boost concentration and focus. (Plus, all that chewing should keep you awake, right?)

Get loud.

Read your notes aloud to yourself, or pair up with a friend and read sections to each other. Actually speaking and hearing the words – instead of just silently reading them on paper – will reinforce the material in a whole new way.

For some videos:
click the link below. :)

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Maksud mimpikan seseorang..!


Pernah tk korang tertanya-tanya pasal "maksud mimpikan seseorang"?? sebab saya selalu tertanya-tanya..

Untuk mendapatkan jawapan bagi soalan saya nie..saya tanyalah pak cik GOOGLE kan...bila saya cari..ada yang cakap ia adalah mainan syaitan..ada yang cakap kita terlampau fikirkan pasal dia..ada yang kata dia jodoh kita(kalau berlainan jantina)..ada juga yang kata kita akan dapat sesuatu daripada dia..dan ada yang cakap orang yang masuk dalam mimpi kita tu rindukan kita..mana satu yang betul nie??

Macam nie lah..jika kita mimpikan apa yang kita suka atau mimpikan sesuatu yang baik maka mimpi itu datang daripada ALLAH...

Kalau kita mimpikan benda yang kita tak suka atau mimpikan benda yang buruk itu daripada syaitan..!

BerIMAN lah kpd ALLAH..